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What stands out and new ideas

Updated: Oct 14, 2019




positive thinking






photo album

sensory therapy - Pilates close with touching

support from friends and family using digital media



pay it forward

VR mindfulness - create a VR experience with mindfulness

look for an idea for a meditative VR experience - can be without VR, but a sensory experience - senses - hear, smell and touch.

Guided meditation with aromatherapy and object to touch with interesting texture

Check Guy's sensory rubicube if there is an easier option, like for beginners, using the haptic aspect and add the smell and sound of guided meditation.

Sensory-Processing Sensitivity (SPS)

Sensory board - touch, smell, see,

identity - impose identity emergent identity

In an intervention - asking a question like what is your identity?

The participators will talk and listen, and they need to reflect on their answers, on how they define themselves, and give them new things to think about, questions and answers they didn't think of before

immerse in the environment

deeper - epistemic level

Talk to immigration organization as a research about the intersect of women-migration-hardship, their expertise and what have been done in this area.

empowering of women empowerment

create feeling and emotions and not just senses

collaborations inviting and involving partitioners from different areas

interdisciplinary - same design area different experts - ui ux into apple

multidisciplinary - experts from different areas and we need to manage them

transdisciplinary - expert that understand design, getting knowledge from other to innovate transgressed or transcended fusion of disciplines cross disciplinary, have understanding of this area, create an awareness


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