As part of the sensory experience, I'm adding sound to my quilt, using Bare conductive board, and received support from CSM professional.
I have 12 sound slots to connect to the installation and can be activated using a press button or other option that I'm designing now.
I love this technical part, connecting, listening, exploring.
TRACK000 -
TRACK001 - Muse Plug in baby snoopy? me me it's all about me
TRACK002 - Lovesong Adele? - to the embroidery
TRACK003 - Meredith Brooks - Bitch to the mirror installation
TRACK004 - Macy Gray - I try - to the cord of the lyrics
TRACK005 - Beyonce drunken love to the chart
TRACK006 - matkot to the beach
TRACK007 - the the - replay
pieces I have so far:
identity mirrors - bitch Maerdith brooks
beach - soundtrack of beach/shore/tel Aviv beach? + shell
I try cord - the song I try Macy Gray
Lovesong embroidery - The song lovesong Cure/Adele?
all of this is temporary -
leaves - crashing leaves sounds?
fur - muse?
graph -Beyonce?
replay - thethe
My playlist?