I spread the quilt on the floor and asked M to interact with the new object.
I connected some of the objects to the bare conductor card to display sound when pressing on them. I showed her briefly how to press the works to play the sound. She participated in one of my interventions before, and knew some of the artefacts and knew parts of the process.
I interviewed her experience of the complete quilt.
Please tell me why were you drawn to the objects you did
I was drawn to the fur and its writing. "no touch". I was very curious. and then I realise that the sign with the text are on all the objects, like in an art exhibition, it's very important to read the narrative, the text attached to the object to understand the art.
The text was attractive too, after the first one, I just went through all them. I saw some works before, so I wanted to see the new ones.
They are very curious to see what's going on
I was more curious about the new piece that I was not familiar with, you don't know what they are until you look into them and read the text.
My experience was combines:
The visual is very beautiful, very appealing, the mirror is interesting you feel drawn to them as well, but I was following the signs, that led me when exploring the work.
I really enjoyed reading the quotation, you find stories, women, depth, the text took me to the stories - one about a breakup, about immigration, as an audience to go through the stories and you can connect to almost all the stories you see, it brought me to my personal stories.
The text of what you wrote about what you did, it's very interesting, on every object you did your interpretation, you brought your personal side. I think these texts are a little too elaborative, sometimes it leaves an open question (which is good), but sometimes it's too detailed like feeding a person with a spoon. maybe need to be rephrased: the text should be maybe more of your thoughts about the story, your manifest of the memory, leave more space for thoughts, leave the audience wondering and questioning, challenge the audience more.
You took the story and did your interpretation, there is a dialogue between the woman you interviewed and yourself, you chose what to display, what to emphasize.
For example the playlist, I wondered what could have happened if we could have measured happiness and impact from a playlist?
How you worked with the story and how the new piece was created from it.
temporary: is temporary is really temporary? more interesting, bring yourself to the piece, bring that step forward that you took from the story to the art.
mirrors - how will we look if in any questionnaire we will actually have to define our identity?
leave it open, as a clue, let them think, you don't need to write, that you took the questionnaire and you did a take from them and so on.
something that hint the connection between the work and your thoughts. It will bring more of your side.
The piece is very esthetic, and beautiful, and intriguing, and attract you to touch and experience.
Another thing you need to think about is the music:
I had an individual experience, I moved between pieces and new songs came out, a very personal experience, imagining this as part of an exhibition when ten people are trying to listen to it, maybe it should be displayed in a room when people can approach one by one, it seems a bit unpractical when few people will start touching together.
Last thing, there is some repetition, three works have the sentence written there. Maybe it's because you come from the world of textile so you use them a lot in your work.
My experience, the setting of all the pieces together, I take an object that comes me down, help me, make me feel good like the fur and the beach. Takes me to what makes me relaxed and calm, what is my transition object, which helps me cope with my difficulties. On the other side, there are objects that make me think about things, like my identity, songs in my life milestones in my life, the music is something that is very you, you are very connected to music, and it's very significant in the work.
So we still have a collection of many things, and it's fine. Each one of these objects can stand alone in an exhibition, with its own text, thought and understanding. and the connection between them, I'm trying to figure out if I'm leaving with one whole feeling, and I think not entirely.
You can see the process you had: your work, collecting, thinking, interpretation.
make you think. create awareness.
Intervention II - K
I think it's a beautiful display. I like the way you coordinated the colours and shapes - the quilt seem to have two subjects: the upper area's objects are blue scales, the lower part of the quilts have a very interesting visual of the wooden circle and the wooden plate.
The objects were very immersive, I particularly related to the mirrors, I felt very connected to the aspect of reevaluation who we are, according to the place we are in, and how do we define ourself in respect to that and to different periods in our life.
I remember before moving to London, I defined myself as a woman, Israeli and professional. A few years afterwards, when I lived in London, I felt that my definition of Israeli has been replaced with Jewish. After a few years, we moved to the USA, and my identity was challenged again, am I British now or Israeli or Jewish or all of them? I can define myself as a mum in high priority for sure. I really liked the "no-touch" of course! it was related to my interview and I was very happy with the creative way that you were able to articulate the tension between these two edges of my relation to touch.
Intervention III - P
P was drawn first to the charts and the "not touch" objects, he started from the charts, and read carefully all cards, interact with the object, enjoyed the music and seem very immerse in the experience. He felt it was very evocative and interesting:
I enjoy it, I engage with it with my brain and with my heart, and I find myself thinking about my life. The music ticks all my boxes, I was born and raised on a beach and it was a big part of my life, and it makes me think of home when I see the beach photos. even that the photos are not of my beach, I'm from a seaside town so it reminds me of it.
This box I like "prefer not to say", always like that option.
P shares a story about his experience with ticking this option, but refers more on the privacy and choosing what to share.