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Intervention Guided

For this intervention, again, I took a few elements from my quilt, before mounting them together - these elements are part of my sensory experience. I asked the participant to react to the elements, without having previous knowledge of the elements: What is the element? what is it used for? which sense should be used to experience the element? How does it make her feel? did it provoke any memory or emotion? The elements that I used are:

A fabric case packed with dry leaves

Bubble wrap

incentive oil - relaxing mix

Incentive oil - ocean mix

Photo collage of the beach

embroidery - Lyrics from "Lovesong" by the cure (H)

The scream (Edvard Munch) K

Sunday in the park (George Seurat) K

Bathers at Asnieres (George Seurat) L

View of the ocean the beach -

A spreading her arms facing the beach

A holding her grandmother's hand


Y Triathlon

Y daughter at the beach


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