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Interview 3

Updated: Nov 6, 2019

G Left Israel 10 years ago. 2 years in California, and from there straight to London. While they were living in the US, she was visiting Israel and went on a routine checkup and was diagnosed with chronical cancer. She was shocked but was pulled out of it immediately by her partner's parents who are very practical people, people of action, who booked her an appointment for the next day to homoeopathy treatment. Without the ability to object, she went to the appointment and returned with lots of herbs, medicines, diet and attitude to save her life. From then on she transformed her life. She is very aware of what she is eating, what is toxic to her, she feels although she is sick, she controls her life and her wellbeing. She realises she can change her situation and control it, never give up and take good care of herself, be practical and active about your wellbeing, so you can transform yourself. This new homoeopathic lifestyle changed her life - first several months were difficult, she received a lot of support from friends and family, she had a 6-month-old baby at home and received also childcare support so she will be more available to take care of herself and gain strength. After 6 months she did some tests that showed improvements in her results so she realised that's the way she is going to live her life, she became more optimistic and after 2 years she felt confident enough to get pregnant again and had another child. She felt she is back on track for a normal life.

Her new setting does not depress her, doesn't bring her down, she feels she has control over her life.

She feels that in everything in life you should never give up, there is always, a way, be practical, do something, change your life, take control over the situation.

She had this mantra: Being depressed is not an option and it's not going to solve anything if you fall apart.

שלושה חודשים ראשונים קשים, אחרי חצי שנה מצב משתפר שנתן אופטימיות, אחרי שנתיים פלוס נכנסה להריון שני - מקום בוטח חיים רגילים חזרה למסלול רגיל. לא מוריד אותה לא מדכא אותה, לחיות עם פרונקל מעצבן הילדים לא יודעים קליפורניה אחרי שנה שנה וחצי גילתה מחלה כרונית מטפלת בהומואופטיה ובתזונה נכונה מאמינה ואופטימית ושולטת בהפתחות המחלה - הרבה מאוד בידיים שלה - שליטה העולם חרב עליה כשגילתה ועד הרגע שגילתה שאפשר לעשות הרבה באופן אקטיבי גורם לקבלת שליטה ואופטימיות ורואה שהדברים שהיא עושה עובדים לטובתה מקבילה את זה לעננה מעל הראש שלה - לפעמים לבנה, לפעמים מעונן, גשום, סוער חיה את הכאן ועכשיו - בהקשר של טוב לנו פה וגם המחלה


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