• an outline of your question and subject matter
• evidence or visual representation of your most recent intervention
• evidence of expert of stakeholder feedback
• evidence of turning points or changes that have occurred as a result of the intervention
5 minutes presentation -
Add a short survey on the performance - to give the students who would agree to review
hook - intersectionality of migration and storytelling
My name is Tamar and I'm going to present to you my interim intervention showcase.
I'll start with my question: How to help women cope with hardship during immigration using sensory mediation.
In my video, I'm displaying my interaction with my shirt - like the way I interact with my surrounding when I immigrate to the UK. Trying to be me, is it my new me or my old me, and coming across hardship, difficulties, lost in translation, cultural displacement, what people think of me, do I fit in. It feels hectic and chaotic, uneasy, unsettled, confusing, anxiety, overwhelmed. disturbed and integrated with the soundtrack - guided mindfulness meditation that I use to gain more strength, control, inner peace, comfort, kindness, forgiveness, love, relax.
Create a holistic me.
I interviewed dozens of women that suffer hardship during their relocation, I find out what was their hardship and what helped them cope with it and with their surrounding, how is it different than experiencing this hardship outside the relocation, how it changed them.
I Interview an Israeli woman that coped with hardship during relocation whom I read her book about women in relocation, I went to see art exhibition by women artists who suffered hardship during relocation and display their hardship through their art, unfortunately, I'm still in an early stage with these interviews.
From my interviews, I collected evidence on sensory experience to cope with hardship, ideas, thoughts and feeling from women who were willing to share intimate emotions with me.
My next stage will be to find a creative way for intervention between the women I found more relevant for my research, using their ideas of sensory release.
My research is about sensory mediation to help women overcome hardship during relocation/immigration.
I have relocated to London from Israel, A year and a half ago, for the last couple of months, I've been experiencing hardship. I felt my whole world collapsed on my family and myself, and I couldn't cope with what is happening to us. I felt like I lost my compass, and can't find my way, can't trust my instincts and intuition and have no one to turn to.
Being here for a little more than a year, I don't have many friends not to mention family, I had to face government services all by myself and felt the true meaning of "lost in translation" and having "English as a second language".
I started going to therapy sessions in Hebrew since I felt I can articulate myself better and will receive genuine guidance.
While trying to figure out what is going on with my life, I realise that I'm not the only one in this situation and I can reach out to other women that experience what I'm experiencing and gain some knowledge on how to cope with hardship.
I posted in some Israeli relocated women groups on Facebook, asking for women to interview and share their experience of coping with hardship during relocation. I received dozens of response, some more relevant than others, and some didn't respond after I sent them a few questions.
From the women that were relevant to my research, I use snowball and purposive research methods (Monette, Sullivan Dejang and Hilton 2014) and was able to reach out to more women that shared their story.
My initial idea was to investigate the compass or more like losing your north, breaking your compass, losing direction and intuition, feeling lost and disconnected from everything that is familiar. I was researching second-hand research and thought about ways to connect my experience to my surroundings and to my close environment, my familiar and everyday life - what are the 'elements' of my situation and my identity - first I'm a woman, I'm a mother, I'm Israeli origin and I live in London. All these details are part of my identity and my culture-displacement intervention.
In my belief, if I'm experiencing something, most likely other people experiencing that as well, and being a "doer" I started searching for what other women in similar situations are doing when they come across hardship. The feeling of being lost and disconnected, as part of being culture displacement, was intriguing to me to look into it furthermore.
Sight - one woman was going through her photo albums a lot
Hear - one woman started to learn how to play the guitar, she is very connected to music from Israel and felt she was missing it a lot and couldn't find it here, so decide to create it herself. She feels that practising the music is used as a mindfulness meditative tool for her and she have to concentrate on the music alone and can't run to her thought.
Smell - One of the women I interviewed connected the bad smell from her old flat to the hardship she was experiencing during that period, the smell was a sign to bad things. Another woman was determined to improve the atmosphere in her house using artificial cleaning scented oils.
Taste - T felt during the first days of the hardship that she could hardly eat since she was nauseous most of the time, as the first stage of coping with the hardship she started going to the neighbourhood health cafe and bought herself large health shake with apples, oranges and ginger, just to add some vitamins into her body so she will be able to function. A went back to smoking and felt this helps her focus and makes her happy. G started homoeopathic treatment and changed her whole diet. It gave her control over her life when she saw it was helping as part of coping with her hardship abling to maintain her situation.
Touch - One woman was practising her ballet routines, the dance makes her feel connected to herself and is her anchor wherever she is, that's her base, her home.
Multisensory experience - mindfulness - few women went to mindfulness in order to cope with their overwhelming feelings and allow them to focus, concentrate and take control of their life.
All these women choose to acknowledge their hardship experience and started to take control of their life and the situation in order to improve it.
Q&A with Ortal Slobodin, author of the book נוסעות סמויות
Q&A with an artist resident of the migration museum
Video - I need to check if I will leave the video as is or add more substance into it - references from interviews regarding sensory or other tools that were used by my subjects to cope with hardship - Should I add a short questionnaire to the students after the video
Ginger juicecompassclocksguitarcigarettemindfulness - meditationSmells - perfume, soapphoto albumsdigital media connection?
My research is about
In my research, I'm focusing on Israeli women who relocate/migrate to London with their family and experience hardship during their relocation.
How do they cope with hardship while being relocated:
What is different from experiencing the same hardship while you are not relocated, while you are in your homeland. Would that be a better experience? worst, the same? what are you missing while you are relocated? where is home while experiencing hardship? what helps you cope with hardship while relocated - sensory mediation to create a strong feeling of presence and experiencing the moment, or following your heart through memory lane, a nostalgic experience that takes you back to what you feel is a better time, comforting time.
As my first intervention, I made a short video performance, that I showed