transcript from my notebook - 17.10.19
I started recording this week.Why didn't I do this before?
I didn't document the interviews and interventions well enough. I hardly write any notes during the interviews or interventions, because I feel it cause me to loose my concentration when I start writing, and the interview lose its natural path.
Why not recording? I think it connected to the fact that it was and still is, not easy for me to have these interviews. I feel that some of the women are doing me a favor: the terms are uncomfortable, they cancel on me or postpone it. I mentioned it when I met Ann Marie and Vicky and talking about the project that Ann Marie and I participated in Students' voice, and they both suggested I should record my interviews. It will help me relief some of the pressure I have to remember the questions and answers during the interview, without interruptions etc.
Most of my interviews were accompanied by an email, whatsapp or other written documentation of my questions and their answers, so it allows me to follow the answers better and after the verbal interview that was conducted either by phone or face to face. I was able to go back to what was written, ask questions and base a verbal interview on the knowledge I had.
I started recording my interventions. I use my phone to do so, I ask for permission first, and received it, so I started recording.
The interviews are in hebrew so I still have to translate to english and remove unnecessary remarks and conversation we had during the interview.